CAVEIRA & ROCK: O que significa o Símbolo da Caveira no Rock’n’Roll?

SKULL and ROCK: What does the Skull Symbol mean in Rock'n'Roll?

Both you, as well as us, from Caveira Roots, must have already noticed how much Cranios' image is used in underground scenarios, and surely you must have wondered what is the Skull Meaning in Rock! Most of the time, with a not so clear meaning, but recurrently with the following message of “rebellion”, “against the system” and “my life, my rules”.

It is not today that we find the Symbol of the Skull in the Rock'n' Universe Roll. They're covering albums by our favorite rock stars, including Guns'n'Roses, Iron Maiden and The Offspring.

Motorcyclists (most are super rock fans) have also adopted them, to decorate their leather jackets, motorcycles and compose their look.

Colar de Rock com Caveira

 In addition, the Rock Fashion, that originated from the bands and the success achieved worldwide by them, he also adopted the skulls in his creations, which range from Rings de Skull T-shirts, Gloves and even Leggings for Fitness rockers. Finally, we cannot forget the Skull Tattoos, scattered throughout the body of rockers and metalheads!

But the question does not want to be silent, and the reason why you are reading this article is:

“What does the image of the Skull in Rock’n’Rol mean?”

The sources are diverse, some substantiated and others not, but before answering this question, and understanding what is the real connection between Caveira and Rock, it is important to briefly situate ourselves in the historical context from which it emerged Rock, and you'll understand!

Brief History of Rock: how did it all start?

Show de Rock

Among facts and fallacies, it is known that Rock emerged from strands of Jazz and R&B, musical styles from black artists, in the mid-40s and 50s, in the United States.

At that time, the protests against racial segregation measures were gaining expansion and visibility, as the population fought for equal rights, without division between white and black.

In this context, in which the media began to show the guitars and rock swaggers on television, there were attacks by the KKK (Ku Klus Klan) on black artists, and whites attacking other whites for the right to hear the so good old (back then new, lol), Rock'n'Roll.

Pulseira de Rock com Caveiras

As the guitar solos took the hearts of the spectators, the concept of a “New America” was created. And the Rock that emerged in the midst of a movement for equality and freedom, has changed from just a new musical genre, to an interracial movement. In which whites and blacks mixed and lived together.

Skull and Rock: what is the link between them anyway?

Caveiras em Fundo Preto

Now that we have contextualized you in the history of Rock, and in the message of struggle for equality that it represented, here comes the Caveira Rock Meaning that you so much want to know !

Caveira no Rock has a range of representations, which have been re-signified during these approximate 70 years of much history and struggles.

Its strong visual appeal to the dark and macabre does not go unnoticed. The bands that originated from HardRock and Heavy Metal, adopted it, generating an air of high content to the repudiation, which attracted a legion of fans who identified with this message.

The arrival of the Skulls in the Representation of Rock'n'Roll

Rockeiros vestidos de caveira

For you to better understand the trajectory of Crânios no Rock, we made a timeline of the five most known rock bands, which popularized and combined the image of Skull to good old rock

Which were the first rock bands that used the Skulls for visual identification?

The Skull of The Greatful Dead (1971)

The Greatful Dead Caveira

His first appearance was on the album of the hardrock band The Greateful Dead, in 1971, and then, his image was increasingly widespread in the Rock scene.

Without an officially registered name, he became known as Skull and Roses and Skull Fuck, precisely because of the cover, in which a Skeleton with a crown of Roses is displayed.

The Skull of Guns'n'Roses (1987)

Guns n Roses Caveira

Guns'n'Roses' debut album, Appetite for Destruction was without a doubt a milestone in the history of HardRock!

Songs like Paradise City, Sweet Child on Mine and Welcome to the Jungle, were released along with the album, and are hits that are undoubtedly on the tip of the tongue of the entire generation from the 80's to the 2000's. !

The big scandal was with the album cover, which until then had a rather disturbing engraving, in which it shows a woman victim of sexual violence (horrible right?!). Controversial - and rightly so-, the engraving was the subject of several complaints, its reproduction was banned in the United States, and then the band -which is American-, changed the cover, with a crucifix and the caricature of the musicians in the form of a Skull, as shown below:

The Skull of the Misfits (1987)

Caveira dos Misfits

Impossible to talk about Skulls of Rock, not to mention The Misfits! The Skull of the Misfits appeared alongside the song “Horror Business” in 1978, which propelled the Horror Punk style into music, a sub-genre of Punk Rock.

From there, this skeleton became a “mascot” for Glenn Danzig and the whole band, being seen stamped on posters and t-shirts throughout the band's journey!

The Skull of Social Distortion 

Caveira do Social Distortion

Founded and led by vocalist and guitarist Mike Ness, the punk rock group Social Distortion also joined Caveira in their emblem.

In the engraving, we can see a bohemian skeleton, holding a cigarette and a glass of red drink, smiling broadly and apparently dancing.

In an interview with Rolling Stones Magazine (2011), leader Mike Ness says that the Skeleton of Social Distortion came from an idea in the New Year, but without a specific reason. Check it out below:

The Skull of The Offspring (1994)

Caveira do Offspring

Another very dear band, which is also a fan of Caveiras, is Banda The Offspring!

On the album Smash, released in 1994 (and later remastered in 2008), we hear the famous singles “Bad Habit”, “Come Out and Play”, 'Gotta Get Away” and “ Self Esteen”!

And Finally, Skulls and Rock: Symbolism and Identity

Guitarrista fazendo show de rock

Parallel to the explosion of Rock and the correlation of Skull with the bands, a new persecution began with rockers and their skulls, where extremist religious groups considered Skulls, and Rock'n'Roll itself as “ representation of death” and “pact with the capiroto” lol (better to laugh than cry right?!).

 Maaaas, we know that it has a much purer (and good) message and meaning, and that briefly translates the history of Rock'n'Roll, that

 “Just like the Skulls, we are all the same Regardless of color, race, appearance, religion, social status... And that at the end of life, we all are and will be, Skulls".

Sounds a bit cliché, but reading this whole article, now it all makes more sense why Skulls are reproduced so often in the Rock'n'Roll Universe!

Because Rock'n'Roll was VERY IMPORTANT to break with separatist movements between whites and blacks, poor and rich. Skulls were used to show rebellion against the system of the time. Invasion of extremist churches in people's lives. Cruel and exclusive media.

The image of Skull brought the idea of ​​protest and commanded respect, but with the beautiful message of equality and equity. Over time, rockers and punks adopted them as a visual identity, and wore a lot of jewelry, especially the Skull Rings on his index finger, Keith Richards is living proof:

Anel de Rockeiro Keith Richards


Beautiful isn't it?! Do you agree with the guys from Skull Roots that the real meaning of Skull in Rock is much more irate than that of religious groups?!

And you?! Do you also like the Rock'n'Roll style?! How about dressing up like a good rocker, or a good rocker, with the best Rock Fashion items, inspired by Skulls?!

Brincos de Rock com Caveira

If you liked our article on The Meaning of Skull in good old Rock'n'Roll, its history and the bands that popularized Skulls in the Underground universe, don't forget to share it with everyone who love Rock and Skulls, of course.

☠️A big hug from the Skull Roots community, and see you next time.☠️



  • larissa alves

    melhor significado e explicaçao que encontrei!!


    SHOW man! Que massa, muito obrigado.

  • Cassiano Teixeira

    Muito legal essa matéria, não sabia o significado da caveira, e faz todo o sentido, parabéns, adorei!!!!

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