Aneis de Caveira usar dicas

How and Why to Wear Skull Rings

Dear reader, reader!

If you've made it this far, you probably love Skull Rings, Skulls and Skeletons.

The skull itself is a representation of death and mortality. Its image is strong due to the deep meanings associated with it. Skulls can both fascinate and repel and have a widespread charm in all societies, especially in jewelry.

Joias com Caveiras

A rather peculiar gem, definitely not for the faint of heart.

In all the years that we have studied and developed jewelry, its designs and shapes, we have studied in depth the personality of those who wear them. And do you know what we find similar among these men and women? They are people with a strong personality and full of themselves (in a good way).

Estilo Motociclista

Link Balaclava | Viking Bracelet Link | Skull Ring Link

Skulls have had many meanings and uses in societies around the world and over time. Our current society predominantly associates skulls with death and evil. However, for some ancient societies, the skull is believed to have the opposite association.


So what does that skull ring on your finger really mean?

Anel 13

Skulls are the most recognizable part of the human body, so it is a powerful symbol. It is a popular symbol for free spirits such as bikers, tattoo artists and rockers.

  1. Make the most of your life (Although the skull serves as a reminder of death, it also carries an important message: "Your time is limited, so you should make the most of it. it to the fullest"The symbol is a hopeful celebration of eternal life).
  2.  Respect for the soul (It is a permanent reminder of the person to whom it belonged. It symbolically celebrates a person's continuing legacy and importance).
  3.  Symbol of Life (Skulls can also symbolize the power of life. They have been associated with the afterlife in many religions, from the Aztecs to Christianity).
  4. Symbol of Equality (This is because it reminds us that we all have a common destiny, no matter how rich or poor we are. All skulls look the same. It doesn't matter if they come from a king or a beggar).
  5. Strength (Lastly, skulls have been used by people to show their own bravery and resilience in the face of death. It has evolved to represent people living outside of society. It represents rebels and people who follow their own rules, whether good or bad).


Why wear skull jewelry?

Anel Crânio 

The skull image is very versatile. There are numerous options for different tastes. As a result of the numerous deep meanings related to the skull, fashion has embraced it.

Among the most captivating are the skull rings molded in Stainless Steel 316L and Silver 925.

Generally, these designs tend to be unique, different from those found in the common market for their quality, strength and affordable price.

Skulls are popular in all fashion styles, from gothic jewelry to basic designs.

Skull Ring How to Wear it

Como usar anel com caveiras

Did you know that each finger shows traits of your personality? Check it out below:

💍Index finger: I like control and self control. Strong tendency to ambition and perseverance.

💍Middle finger: refined and sophisticated taste. They are people who value appearance and quality

💍Ring finger: sensitive and faithful.They always seek the truth and are sociable

💍Little finger: high libido and mystery. They like little known things and mysteries.

💍Thumb: strong-willed and temperamental people. They like to keep control of situations and are brave.

Now the tip is: wear the wedding ring on the finger that feels most comfortable. We always have a favorite.

Como usar aneis com caveira

But, in case you want to reinforce or develop some characteristic that you don't have, put a skull ring on this finger, and test it for 21 consecutive days. You will see, your energy and presence will change!

When to use

como usar anel caveira

Well, like us, we believe that you also don't like rules and are not very into fads. Therefore, I only say one thing: "use it how, when and where you want".

A beautiful ring can be worn in a more formal setting, such as at work, or at parties, weddings and even funerals (it brings good vibes, believe me).

It's a very elegant piece of jewelry, capable of transforming a simple outfit into a robust and powerful production.

 Skull Rings

Alianças Caveira

As the Skull means respect, eternity, celebration, fraternity and loyalty, many couples use these rings as a symbol of union.

Whether it's dating, engagement or marriage, skulls have been gaining ground between biker and rocker loves.

Alianças de Caveira Namoro

Differentiated models, unique in the jewelry market, carry a very strong spiritual meaning: "protects against a fat eye, betrayal, envy and intrigue".

In Mexico this trend has been strong for a long time, and in Brazil, a country that loves Rock'n'Roll, couples have increasingly joined this passion.

Who wears Skull Ring


motociclista e anel de caveira

Motorcyclists work with loyalty, fraternity, dedication and as a team that's what they value in wearing a skull ring, because it's much more than just a personalization, it's a lucky charm.


Johnny depp e anel com caveira

The trend was started by Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones, who always wore the skull ring. Steve Tyler or Axel Rose, almost every rock star has worn skull jewelry in one form or another.

Even celebrities like Johnny Depp, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ozzy Osbourne and Sylvester Stallone have skull rings in their collection.

Tattoo Artists

Estilo tatuador

Impossible to talk about style, freedom and originality without mentioning the tattoo artists. These guys are original, authentic and don't care much for external judgments.

Our great clients use skull rings to shield their energy, stimulate their imagination and bring that last touch of rebelliousness and independence that they naturally possess.


And you? Did you already know the immense power a Single Ring can bring? How about more than one on your fingers?

Use Coupon: TRESANEIS and WIN a Steel Skull Ring.

Insert 3 rings in your cart, put the coupon TRESANEIS and you will win one.

That is, 3 for the price of 2!

 Check it out clicking here.
 See you later,
Skull Roots.


  • Caio Ottoni

    Bacana o artigo, foi bastante útil !!
    Valeu até a próxima!!*

  • Regina Helena De Araujo Faria

    Artigo mega elucidativo, pois descobri que da forma que eu uso o anel e exatamente como sou! Top

  • Carlos

    Adorei o artigo


    Boa noite,foi muito bom encontrar esse site gosto e uso muitos anéis de caveiras como também camisetas.

  • Enio

    Incrível artigo sobre anéis de caveira. Bem informativo.

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